Monday 5 October 2015

Thief of Time (Discworld #26) by Terry Pratchett

Thief of Time
Discworld #26
Terry Pratchett

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Front cover

Jeremy has been set a task by the Auditors to build the world's most accurate clock. What he doesn't know is that it will stop time and being about the apocalypse. So naturally, Death is preparing the horsemen, as per tradition. Lu Tze has an apprentice - Lobsang, whom he tries to teach 'The Way', and Susan ends up helping everybody. But can the Discworld be returned to normal?

I really liked the imagery surrounding the clocks, and definitely the climactic scene! I'm not going to spoil it for you here, that alone is worth reading the book for! 

Any story that has Death and/or Susan in it is automatically going to be at least 4* because I just love them!

Terry Pratchett

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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