Saturday 31 October 2015

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

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Front cover

Richard discovers a badly injured girl and helps her recover. What he doesn't know it's that she's not from this London. He is catapulted into a world he never could have dreamed of, helping Door get answers about the death of her family.

This book was just amazing! I absolutely loved it! This was my first time reading a Gaiman novel; I've only read graphic novels before. It did not disappoint! 

I loved everything about this book. From a completely new London coexisting with ours, to the individual turmoils of Richard and Door. The message that sticks out to me the most is; just because it's a life you're familiar and comfortable with, doesn't mean it's the life you really desire. This is shown by Richard's character development.

A truly amazing and inspiring book. Please read it. And soon. It could change your life.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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