Thursday 29 October 2015

The Last Hero (Discworld #27) by Terry Pratchett

The Last Hero
Discworld #27
Terry Pratchett

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Front cover

Cohen the Barbarian and his Horde are going on one final quest - to return what was stolen from the Gods. It's up to Rincewind, Leonard of Quirm and Carrot to stop them, or else the world will blow up! 

It's quite typical of Rincewind to get himself into such dangerous situations as this. Mostly through no fault of his own, admittedly. Nevertheless, he seems to come out living, although sometimes only just! Good old Rincewind!

I loved the illustrations by Paul Kidby in this. It was such a nice break to the series, especially considering how long it is! I'll be honest, I probably would have given a slightly lower rating, if it wasn't for these illustrations. They're that good!

P.S. Leonard of Quirm is totally Leonardo da Vinci!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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