Sunday 25 October 2015

Crazy For You by Jennifer Crusie

Crazy For You
Jennifer Crusie

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Front cover

Quinn is an art teacher at the local high school, dating Bill the school coach. She rescues dogs and nurses them back to health. Until one day, she decides she doesn't want a boring life anymore. After Bill takes her dog away, she realises she doesn't want to be with him anymore. She moves out (with the dog) and buys a house. But Bill doesn't seem to understand they're not together anymore. He keeps trying to take the dog away and even sabotages her new house. Will he ever leave her alone?

I hated Bill. He was so controlling and arrogant and just a generally unlikable human being. He believed he should get his own way all the time, regardless of how it would affect anyone else. Extremely selfish; only cares about himself and refuses to see the bigger picture.

Her friends Darla, Max and Nick were good for her. They were supportive and just wanted to see her happy. Especially Nick *ahem*.

This is one of those books that surprises me. The kind I don't ever remember sourcing; that have lived in my book collection forever yet I never want to read them. But when I do get around to reading them, I find I enjoy the story a lot. The kind of book where the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' really applies.

I'll definitely look out for more books by Jennifer Crusie.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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