Sunday 27 September 2015

Skins Summer Holiday (Skins #2) by Jess Brittain

Skins Summer Holiday
Skins #2
Jess Brittain

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Front cover

The second Skins novel follows the third generation cast set before you meet them in season 5. Mini, Grace and Liv go on holiday to Newquay where they meet Nick and his gang. Alo and Rich also go. You get some history on Franky, which is quite sad.

I probably would have enjoyed this more if I had read it 5 years ago when I was very into Skins. I didn't really get into the generation 3 cast however, so maybe not. I'm not sure if it's because I got older, or if I genuinely wasn't that interested.

I've read the first Skins novel surrounding the generation 2 cast, which I loved. It's quite good to get extra stories, which can fill in some blanks the TV show might leave.

Definitely worth a read if you enjoy Skins.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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