Saturday 30 May 2015

Yes Man by Danny Wallace

Yes Man
Danny Wallace

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Front cover

Danny has been staying in and saying no too much after his girlfriend leaves him. He meets a stranger on a bus who gives him some advice, and he starts saying yes. To EVERYTHING. Some things are good, some are bad, but it's all quite amusing.

I really enjoyed Yes Man. The narrative is more of a conversational tone and it lures you in. It's like he's talking directly to you. He has a quirky sense of humour and you just wonder whatever he'll get up to next.

The book spoke to me on a slightly personal level as well. I feel I say no to a lot of things, particularly social events. Sometimes I genuinely can't make, other times I can't be bothered or just don't want to go. After reading Yes Man I realise I need to say yes more. Obviously I'm not going to be buying penis enlargement pills off the internet, but I do need to make an effort.

Live a little.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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