Sunday 17 May 2015

Mrs Fytton's Country Life by Mavis Cheek

Mrs Fytton's Country Life
Mavis Cheek

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Front cover

Angela Fytton's husband leaves her for a younger woman, so she decides to sell her house, make her 2 teenage children move into their father's house with his new wife and toddler, and moves to the countryside seeking a simpler life.

 This book was kind of mediocre in my opinion. The characters were believable, you hear of this sort of thing happening all the time. But I didn't feel there was much of a story to be honest. It's hard to describe. Things were happening, but they weren't. I guess I just wasn't that fond of the book, sorry.

One thing I did like though was the people in the country were not portrayed as goody goodies, satanic worshippers or crazy religious people. They were ordinary. So many stories containing people living in rural areas portray them as lunatics. I like that this is not the case here.

I wasn't particularly fussed about this book, but there were some good points. Have a read if you like.

Mavis Cheek

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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