Thursday 14 May 2015

The Hunting Ground by Cliff McNish

The Hunting Ground
Cliff McNish

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Front cover

Elliott and Ben move into the old and almost derelict Glebe House with their father, while he aims to restore it to sell. But while there, strange things are happening, and they discover an old diary which tells of tragic events in Glebe House's past. What will the boys discover? More importantly, will they get out alive?

I really enjoyed The Hunting Ground. When reading young adult fiction, I sometimes lose interest because I find the stories boring or too easy. I expect this though, as I'm not a young adult (pre 18 :P). But I guess there's something about Cliff McNish. His stories are easy to read (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) but I don't lose interest. I found The Hunting Ground exciting and just wanted to keep reading.  I'm sure if I was a child I'd love it even more!

I've read some of The Silver Sequence and Doomspell books as well, and I also found them interesting. I think I've found a new favourite young adult fiction author!

I would definitely recommend!

Cliff McNish

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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