Sunday 14 June 2015

The Prince In Waiting (The Sword of the Spirits #1) by John Christopher

The Prince In Waiting
John Christopher

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Front cover

Luke lives in a world that doesn't believe in machines, and uses 'spirits' to guide them. He is named the Prince in Waiting, and after an ally betrayal where his father is murdered, he is taken far away for his safety.

I found it hard to sympathise with Luke. He has experienced so much death with some of his family, his brother has turned against him, yet he doesn't mourn and seems only concerned with being a warrior. I get that that is his main goal in life, but you shouldn't just ignore the fact that some of your family have died, and others are no longer speaking to you. 

I liked the general story, but I think Luke's, in my opinion, major character flaw put me off getting quite as absorbed as I would have liked.

This is a trilogy, so let's hope the next two are better!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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