Saturday 20 June 2015

Jingo (Discworld #21) by Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett

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Front cover

A mysterious island has popped up in the middle of the sea called Leshp. It is discovered by two fishermen who fight over who saw it first. Cue a race back to their shores to inform their people of said discovery, which results in Ankh-Morpork going to war with Klatch, each trying to claim the island for themselves. Vimes comes along with his trustworthy watchmen trying to save the day.

I enjoy the stories about Vimes and his watchmen. Although they're not my favourite, they're still pretty good! I thought this one wasn't quite as captivating at the other watch stories, but I don't think Terry Pratchett will ever get a rating below 3 stars.

Have a read for yourself and find out why. :)

Terry Pratchett

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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