Tuesday 6 April 2021

Through the Looking Glass (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland #2) by Lewis Carroll

Through the Looking Glass
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland #2
Lewis Carroll

Front cover

Date read: 7 - 10 February 2021
Length: 173 pages
Published: 1872

Alice goes on another adventure, this time through the looking glass into a world of chess pieces, nursery characters, and talking insects and flowers. On a quest to go from pawn to queen, she meets many interesting characters and hears a lot of poetry. Will she become Queen?

The poems are interesting and a nice way to break up the narrative. 

I like Tweedledee and Tweedledum, they are very friendly and entertaining. They want to help Alice on her quest but do it in a fun way!

Alice is sympathetic and understanding to all creatures. She seems a bit more mature here and she is willing to help any creature in any way she can.

I preferred the first one, although that could be because I'm more familiar with it, but the second is still good. These were a nice read for a bit of nostalgia!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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