Tuesday 13 April 2021

Belfast Confidential (Dan Starkey #7) by Colin Bateman

Belfast Confidential
Dan Starkey #7
Colin Bateman

Front cover

Date read: 11 - 20 February 2021
Length: 410 pages
Published: 2005

After the death of his best friend Mouse, Dan is asked to take over the popular magazine Belfast Confidential. But while compiling the Power List, many of the contenders find themselves dead. Will Dan figure out what's going on, and stay alive long enough to do so?

I liked Mouse. He didn't appear very often but he was always there to help Dan out. He was the only really consistent friend Dan had and I'm not sure how Dan will be in the subsequent books with him gone.

Dan has so many close calls, one day he's not gonna be so lucky! In every book he almost dies at least once, and I'm pretty sure in the last book, he will actually die. I mean, he comes so close every book, it would be strange if that wasn't what happened! I still have a few more books to read before we find out though!

Another book where he doesn't cheat! This must be some kind of record. I hope that Dan can remain faithful because him and Patricia are just so much better when they're together.

I feel like the ending was a bit rushed. The rest of the book had a slower pace and then it felt like everything just sped up at the end. I'm not sure if that was intentional or if it was just rushed.

Looking forward to more Dan soon!

Colin Bateman

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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