Tuesday 27 April 2021

The Reluctant Assassin (W. A. R. P. #1) by Eoin Colfer

The Reluctant Assassin
W. A. R. P. #1
Eoin Colfer

Front cover

Date read: 1 - 8 March 2021
Length: 321 pages
Published: 2013

Chevie Savano is send to England on the most boring FBI mission ever. But when the deadliest magician escapes Victorian London, it turns out to be not so boring after all. Can Chevie stop this mad man and save London as we know it?

The FBI has a secret hideout.
A place no one would ever look.
The past.

This is an interesting concept for time travel, using keys and what appears to be a worm hole sort of thing. A machine is still needed, so I guess it's an adaptation of a time machine.

I'm a bit indifferent to Savano. I didn't really feel a bond with the character, although I don't dislike her. She's got a bit of wit, but sometimes a bit too much attitude for my liking.

I do like Riley and I think he's funny. He's a bit younger than Savano so he still has that child-like charm. He takes to being in the future quite well actually, and it ready to help save the day.

Albert Garrick is power mad, and wants to take knowledge from the future back to the past in order to become more powerful. He doesn't care who he has to kill to get what he wants. A horrible man.

This book seems to be well tied up so I'm left wondering what the next one will be about! I guess I will have to read it to find out.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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