Tuesday 5 January 2021

Turbulent Priests (Dan Starkey #3) by Colin Bateman

Turbulent Priests
Dan Starkey #3
Colin Bateman

Front cover

Date read: 2 - 8 November 2020
Length: 275 pages
Published: 1999

Dan takes his wife and Little Stevie to a cottage on the tiny island of Wrathlin to investigate reports of a new Messiah. But when they get there, there's a lot more going on that first meets the eye. Can Dan survive the island?

The father, the son and
the wholly unexpected"

I've enjoyed this one the most so far I think. I got into it right away and it was so easy to read. The other books have been great too, but this is the best so far!

The island is a bit strange and very disconnected from modern life. The church is the law, not the police. The island seems to be full of crazy people who want to maintain the idea of the messiah, and will do anything they can to stop any interference.

Moira seems to be one of the only sane people. She doesn't care what the other people think, even though the supposed messiah is her daughter.

I'm glad they managed to help the villagers. Some of them are only guilty by location and it's good that they were able to get off the island and get help.

Dan needs to keep it in his trousers! He's done so much work to repair his relationship with Patricia and then he goes and does something like this. It is annoying and very frustrating to read.

Looking forward to the next one.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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