Thursday 21 January 2021

Underworld (Abandon #2) by Meg Cabot

Abandon #2
Meg Cabot

Front cover

Date read: 18 - 25 November 2020
Length: 309 pages
Published: 2012

John takes Pierce to the Underworld to protect her from the Furies. She might be safe for now, but what about the people she's left behind? When she realises her cousin Alex is in danger, she does everything she can to try to save him.


I'm enjoying getting to know more about John. He is a very mysterious character and it doesn't help that we only learn little snippets about him every so often! Pierce is keen to find out what she can about the life he had when he was alive, and I wan't to know too!

Pierce keeps doing things without realising the full consequences. She is very much led by her emotions and quite often acts on impulse. She cant still be a bit naive but she will do anything to save her family.

I'm enjoying the series so far, and looking forward to reading the last one. I'm hoping to learn more about John and also that diamond Pierce wears!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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