Tuesday 28 April 2020

The Invasion of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling #2) by Erika Johansen

The Invasion of the Tearling
The Queen of the Tearling #2
Erika Johansen

Front cover

Date read: 16 - 29 March 2020
Length: 572 pages
Published: 2015

Kelsea has now established herself queen, and seems to be a powerful but fair leader. However, trouble is brewing. She has angered the Red Queen, and it appears an invasion is imminent. As well as dealing with that, Kelsea is also having visions from the past. A pre-crossing woman called Lily keeps popping up. Who is she, and how is she linked to what's happening?


I liked the visions from the past. I would flit between wanting to find out more about Lily and eager to learn more about the connections to the world Kelsea is living in. I think it was quite well done in that it didn't reveal too much at once. 

In the present I like Mace, I think he is loyal to Kelsea, although I feel that there is more to him which will explain his loyalty, which I'm hoping will be revealed in the next book! In the past I like Jonathan, working to make the world a better place. I'm glad he was there for Lily, even if at first she didn't realise it.

And of course, one of the things still being kept a secret is the identity of her father! Sometimes I think I have an idea of who it could be, and then I think I don't. I just want to find out!

I enjoyed Invasion more than Queen, I got into it straight away and just wanted to keep reading! I felt that the first book was setting up for something more and I wasn't wrong! I'm so excited to read the final book and find out even more!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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