Thursday 16 April 2020

More Fool Me (Memoir #3) by Stephen Fry

More Fool Me
Memoir #3
Stephen Fry

Date read: 26 February - 6 March 2020
Length: 380 pages
Published: 2014

The last in the Memoir series, Fry addresses some pretty major issues regarding his habits, mental health, and sexuality. He doesn't hide behind his fame and admits things openly. We learn more about his life since becoming famous.

I like Fry and this series. My favourite Fry era is the work he did with Hugh Laurie. I feel like he does more presenting rather than acting these days. Don't get me wrong, I liked him on QI, but it's not the same.

As much as I like Fry and have enjoyed learning more about him, I was a bit disappointed with More Fool Me. I felt this one had a lot of information from the previous two books, and a quarter was a chunk of a diary! It's almost as if he though 'oh, it's been x amount of time since I published the last one, better get another one out! But what will I put in it? I know! I'll recap the past and add a bit of my diary. Marvellous, that'll do the trick...'

Despite this, I will read more of his books at some point. I have some of his fiction in boxes that will be unpacked at a later date!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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