Tuesday 31 March 2020

Good Wives (Little Women #1.5) by Louisa May Alcott

Good Wives
Little Women #1.5
Louisa May Alcott

Date read: 10 - 15 February 2020
Length: 220 pages
Published: 1869

3 years on from the events of Little Women, the girls are leading very different lives. Meg has twins, Amy gets married, Jo goes travelling and writes, and tragedy strikes Beth. But one thing remains the same, they love each other dearly.

So the first time I read Little Women I was unaware that it was originally two volumes. After reading the first volume and knowing about a certain event which didn't happen, I then realised there was a second part.

Poor Beth. I remember being very upset the first time I read this. Under the circumstances I suppose it happened in the best way, but it was still very sad.

In Good Wives I still like Jo, but I also grew fond of Amy. She doesn't seem like the little girl she once was, and has grown up considerably.

I feel like Meg is kind of ignored here. She has her own family now and her twins, but I still would have liked to know more about her life as well.

Mr March seems very fun and a good father. He's willing to get silly with the children, but also knows how to teach them proper life lessons.

The main thing I like about these stories is the simplicity and wholesomeness of them. They are stories that make you feel nice and content.

Very much enjoyed Little Women and Good Wives, and I'm looking forward to the next two in the series!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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