Tuesday 24 March 2020

The Fry Chronicles (Memoir #2) by Stephen Fry

The Fry Chronicles
Memoir #2
Stephen Fry

Front cover

Date read: 30 January - 9 February 2020
Length: 425 pages
Published: 2010

In The Fry Chronicles he tells of his early career life, those he made friends with, and how he spent some of his money. His life may be changing, but one thing remains the same; he still doesn't dance or sing.

I wasn't alive when Fry rose to fame, but my earliest memories of him are watching repeats of him with Hugh Laurie in various projects. It's kind of nice to read about how these things came about, and how he was feeling at the time.

From his younger days he seems to have mellowed out a bit. No more stealing, anyway! I guess he was making enough of his own money now. And as far as the book says, no more visits to prison!

Fry seems to be lucky in working, finding or creating one project after another. He's a hard worker and clearly willing to earn his money.

I'm looking forward to More Fool Me, the last in the memoir series.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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