Tuesday 2 July 2019

The State of the Art (Culture #4) by Iain M. Banks

The State of the Art
Culture #4
Iain M. Banks

Front cover

Date read: 21 - 26 June 2019
Length: 216 pages
Published: 1991

Diziet Sma tells her story of when the Culture visit Earth. They learn all about the people, their way of life, the technology, everything. One member goes so far as to decide they want to stay on Earth, and even change their body to be more human. Also included are some short stories.

I like the fact that the Culture came to Earth, and not to destroy it or declare war, but to observe and learn. They get to know what being human is about and respect what they discover.

The short stories were okay but not really that memorable. I thought the pictures were quite cool though.

I'm looking forward to getting back into the series, after what feels like a little break.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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