Tuesday 30 July 2019

Excession (Culture #5) by Iain M. Banks

Culture #5
Iain M. Banks

Front cover

Date read: 14 - 24 July 2019
Length: 455 pages
Published: 1996

Something appears in space and no-one knows what it is, not even the super intelligent Minds. Genar-Hofoen is sent on a mission to retrieve a very old Mind from a dying spaceship, and his old flame keeps popping up...

Okay, so it was actually pretty hard to pinpoint a synopsis. There seems to be a lot of minor stories here, but not particularly one major plot. The novel took quite a while to get going, and I felt that pretty much the first half wasn't really much, it did get better towards the end though!

I like Dajeil Gelian. She's pretty interesting, and not just because she's been pregnant for 40 odd years! She's quite mysterious and obviously has a past that still influences her life today.

The ship names are interesting! They always have been but they seem to be even better here. I won't spoil any names here, you'll just need to read to find out.

Looking forward to the rest of the series.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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