Tuesday 23 July 2019

The Fourth Bear (Nursery Crime #2) by Jasper Fforde

The Fourth Bear
Nursery Crime #2
Jasper Fforde

Front cover

Date read: 4 - 13 July 2019
Length: 383 pages
Published: 2006

Jack Spratt and Mary Mary are back, investigating the disappearance of Goldilocks, a Friend to Bears. Meanwhile the Gingerbread Man has escaped from prison, and what's with all the unexplained explosions? And how dangerous can a giant cucumber be?

The Gingerbreadman - psychopath,
genius, convicted murderer and biscuit
- is loose on the streets of Reading.

If there's one thing you can say about Nursery Crime, it's that it's not boring. There's always so much more to it than you think, and it keeps you on your toes! One thing leads to another and more things are discovered that need investigating. Before you know it you have many questions that need answered.

I am very much enjoying this series and all the characters. They're just so unusual you don't know what to expect.

I kind of feel sorry for Jack. He is underestimated all the time and not taken as seriously as he should be. If he was just left to get on with things I'm sure he would manage perfectly fine, but for some reason people keep getting in his way.

Mary and Ashley were an odd couple, but I liked it. It was a little bit unexpected but also really worked. It's a shame about what happened to Ashley - I hope he asks her out again.

When is the next Nursery Crime novel going to be?! Apparently there is supposed to be a third one, but considering this one was published 13 years ago and the third isn't out yet, I'm not very hopeful. It's a shame because I was really enjoying this series!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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