Wednesday 10 July 2019

Saturday by Ian McEwan

Ian McEwan

Front cover

Date read: 27 June - 3 July 2019
Length: 279 pages
Published: 2005

Dr Henry Perowne is trying to enjoy a Saturday away from work, but after a disturbed night, a car crash, and an assault all before lunch, he's finding it difficult. His daughter is coming home to visit, so at least he has that to look forward to, right?

I found this book a little difficult to read, not because of the writing but because I thought Henry was a bit dull. You know, he has the perfect life; a loving wife, 2 children, a good job and house, he plays squash at the weekend. Nothing much of interest. A lot of the book is him rambling on about various things like neuroscience, his thoughts on war etc.

His collision with Baxter was probably the most interesting thing to happen in the book, because it paved the way for the rest of the story. Baxter is an interesting character, even considering the fact he is thoroughly unlikable. Baxter angers me in a way that makes me wish violence upon him.

Daisy has a surprise is revealed to her family too soon, because of Baxter's despicable acts. I feel sorry for her and the family because the joyous moment was taken away from her family, and especially her. Another reason to hate Baxter.

I did quite enjoy Saturday but I think a lot of Henry's waffling was unnecessary.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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