Tuesday 31 July 2018

Half a King (Shattered Sea #1) by Joe Abercrombie

Half a King
Shattered Sea #1
Joe Abercrombie

Front cover

Date read: 20 - 28 July 2018
Length: 373 pages

Yarvi is a prince with a crippled hand. When he is declared king after the death of his father and brother, his uncle betrays him and he finds himself a slave. Determined to get back to Gettland and have his revenge, he escapes with a few unlikely friends. But one of those friends is not all he seems...

I like Yarvi. He is a very well rounded character and very believable. Mostly he is good although he has moments of darkness - like anyone. He's smart, and though he can think a lot of silly things, he knows when to act and when to leave it. He's selfless, sometimes putting the needs of others before himself. And all round likeable character.

Half a King was a bit slow to start I thought. For a long time I had in my head that this was a 3* book. It started to pick up near the end and I knew it was worth more than 3*. I wish Goodreads did half stars sometimes, and I know I could implement my own rating system, but I want to keep it the same as my Goodreads. So really I would have rated this a 3.5*.

I was a little surprised by the ending. I don't want to give away too much here, but it was at this point you realise quite how selfless Yarvi is. But also I think he is somewhat relieved.

Looking forward to Half the World.

Joe Abercrombie

Overall Rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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