Tuesday 31 July 2018

Half a King (Shattered Sea #1) by Joe Abercrombie

Half a King
Shattered Sea #1
Joe Abercrombie

Front cover

Date read: 20 - 28 July 2018
Length: 373 pages

Yarvi is a prince with a crippled hand. When he is declared king after the death of his father and brother, his uncle betrays him and he finds himself a slave. Determined to get back to Gettland and have his revenge, he escapes with a few unlikely friends. But one of those friends is not all he seems...

I like Yarvi. He is a very well rounded character and very believable. Mostly he is good although he has moments of darkness - like anyone. He's smart, and though he can think a lot of silly things, he knows when to act and when to leave it. He's selfless, sometimes putting the needs of others before himself. And all round likeable character.

Half a King was a bit slow to start I thought. For a long time I had in my head that this was a 3* book. It started to pick up near the end and I knew it was worth more than 3*. I wish Goodreads did half stars sometimes, and I know I could implement my own rating system, but I want to keep it the same as my Goodreads. So really I would have rated this a 3.5*.

I was a little surprised by the ending. I don't want to give away too much here, but it was at this point you realise quite how selfless Yarvi is. But also I think he is somewhat relieved.

Looking forward to Half the World.

Joe Abercrombie

Overall Rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Red Queen (Red Queen #1) by Victoria Aveyard

Red Queen
Red Queen #1
Victoria Aveyard

Front cover

Date read: 10 - 19 July 2018
Length: 383 pages

Mare Barrow is a Red girl from the Stilts, ruled by the Silvers. The Reds are common and the Silvers have superpowers. But Mare possesses a power of her own, so the Silvers hide her in plain sight in order to maintain their status. Will they succeed at keeping Mare's powers a secret, or will she bring them down from inside?

It's such an interesting idea having people with two different kinds of blood. But of course it creates a divide, because what else would you expect? I think more will come of this, so I'm looking forward to the next two books to find out.

The brothers Maven and Cal are very different from each other! I don't want to say too much because I might spoil something, but I was a bit surprised at the end. Basically you don't know whose side you're on.

I don't like Evangeline. She is conceited and seems quite controlling. Not someone I want to be around. I don't particularly like the queen either.

I'm looking forward to the next book, Glass Sword, to find out what happens next!

Victoria Aveyard

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Wednesday 18 July 2018

A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire #4) by George R. R. Martin

A Feast for Crows
A Song of Ice and Fire #4
George R. R. Martin

Front cover

Date read: 19 June - 9 July 2018
Length: 778 pages (849 including appendix)

Tommen is king of the Seven Kingdoms but until he comes of age, there isn't much he can do. His new wife Margaery is not loved by Cersei and things are very tense in Kings Landing. Arya has found the Faceless Men, but fails to become No One. Samwell travels to the Citadel with Gilly and the new born. There are many plots against each other, who will be left standing?

Here we mainly follow the characters in and around Kings Landing, and as such it wasn't my favourite in the series. There's no Dany! I believe she will be in the next book so I'm sure I will enjoy that a bit more. That's not to say A Feast for Crows isn't good though, because it is!

As Tommen is a child, Kings Landing is really ruled my Queen Cersei and her council. And what a little scheming person she is! She's one character I've never really liked, less so in the books than the TV show. She'll get her just rewards and we begin to see that at the end of this book, thankfully!

I am really excited to read A Dance With Dragons because I know it will have one of my favourite characters in it! I can't believe I only have 2 books left to read though, it's kind of upsetting!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 10 July 2018

The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (Robinson Crusoe #2) by Daniel Defoe

The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe #2
Daniel Defoe

Front cover

Date read: 13 - 18 June 2018
Length: 215 pages

Crusoe seeks adventure once more, and with his companion Friday, sets sail. He visits a great many places; the Brazils, back to his island to see what has become of it, China, Russia, and eventually back home to retire at the age of 72.

Now. What a difference there was reading this one compared to the classic everyone knows. I'm not sure if it is because I was reading an older book (which I borrowed from the library's reserve stock!) or because it wasn't a modernisation of a classic, but the language was very interesting. In my opinion it is the best thing about this book. The way things were spelled back then and just the different use of words kept my interest more than the plot.

I can't say the Robinson Crusoe's farther adventures is something that I would recommend to others or read again. The first one had a bit of an interesting story, yes. But here, not so much. There was far too much God talk for my liking, and while I'm not saying that people can't enjoy it because of that, it's just not for me. Telling people that they should convert to Christianity and believe in God or they're wrong or doomed for hell, is not something I want to read.

For the plot and a story for leisure, this is not one I'd recommend. But for an insight on how language was used nearly 300 years ago, it is quite interesting.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist