Thursday 24 December 2015

The Wise Woman by Philippa Gregory

The Wise Woman
Philippa Gregory

Alys, an escaped nun, is summoned to the castle to be the old Lord Hugh's clerk. The young Lord Hugo wants her, but she is determined to remain faithful, even resorting to 'witchcraft'. Over time her views change. Enthralled by Hugo, the two become lovers, despite his wife Lady Catherine. She becomes pregnant and thinks her position in the castle is safe. Is it?

I have mixed feelings about The Wise Woman. I didn't really like Alys. She thinks she's above everyone else, and that the castle can't do without her, whereas in reality they're just using her, but she's ignorant of this fact, living in her own little ideal world.

I also wasn't sure of the ending. I really wanted to find out what would happen to her baby; if it would have the same fate as Lady Catherine's. It was about the only thing keeping me going at the end, and I didn't get to find out!

Despite those annoyances, I thought the general story was okay. I like stories set in the past, and the way the people live there. It's always interesting to get a glimpse of what life might have been like.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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