Monday 28 December 2015

The Wee Free Men (Discworld #30) by Terry Pratchett

The Wee Free Men
Discworld #30
Terry Pratchett

Front cover

Tiffany Aching lives on a farm where she tends to the animals and makes really good cheese. Her little brother is stolen by the Queen of Fairyland, but this isn't the Fairyland everyone imagines. With the help of the Nac Mac Feegle, her trusty frying pan and her Granny's magic book (Diseases of the Sheep) she sets off to get her sticky brother back. Can she defeat the Queen?

This is a very imaginative installment in the Discworld series. There's so much going on everywhere, and it's brilliant. I especially liked the dreamland states. Pratchett certainly doesn't hold anything back, and it shows in writing like this. I know this is 'for Younger Readers' but it's a refreshing change and chapters are still a novelty!

I loved the Nac Mac Feegle's! Little blue skinned, red haired pictsies (not pixies, oh no) who are absolutely fearless, ready to take on the world! I certainly hope to see more of them. And Tiffany, but I think that's a given.

Definitely worth a read, go on!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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