Saturday 31 October 2015

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

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Richard discovers a badly injured girl and helps her recover. What he doesn't know it's that she's not from this London. He is catapulted into a world he never could have dreamed of, helping Door get answers about the death of her family.

This book was just amazing! I absolutely loved it! This was my first time reading a Gaiman novel; I've only read graphic novels before. It did not disappoint! 

I loved everything about this book. From a completely new London coexisting with ours, to the individual turmoils of Richard and Door. The message that sticks out to me the most is; just because it's a life you're familiar and comfortable with, doesn't mean it's the life you really desire. This is shown by Richard's character development.

A truly amazing and inspiring book. Please read it. And soon. It could change your life.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Thursday 29 October 2015

The Last Hero (Discworld #27) by Terry Pratchett

The Last Hero
Discworld #27
Terry Pratchett

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Cohen the Barbarian and his Horde are going on one final quest - to return what was stolen from the Gods. It's up to Rincewind, Leonard of Quirm and Carrot to stop them, or else the world will blow up! 

It's quite typical of Rincewind to get himself into such dangerous situations as this. Mostly through no fault of his own, admittedly. Nevertheless, he seems to come out living, although sometimes only just! Good old Rincewind!

I loved the illustrations by Paul Kidby in this. It was such a nice break to the series, especially considering how long it is! I'll be honest, I probably would have given a slightly lower rating, if it wasn't for these illustrations. They're that good!

P.S. Leonard of Quirm is totally Leonardo da Vinci!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Sunday 25 October 2015

Crazy For You by Jennifer Crusie

Crazy For You
Jennifer Crusie

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Quinn is an art teacher at the local high school, dating Bill the school coach. She rescues dogs and nurses them back to health. Until one day, she decides she doesn't want a boring life anymore. After Bill takes her dog away, she realises she doesn't want to be with him anymore. She moves out (with the dog) and buys a house. But Bill doesn't seem to understand they're not together anymore. He keeps trying to take the dog away and even sabotages her new house. Will he ever leave her alone?

I hated Bill. He was so controlling and arrogant and just a generally unlikable human being. He believed he should get his own way all the time, regardless of how it would affect anyone else. Extremely selfish; only cares about himself and refuses to see the bigger picture.

Her friends Darla, Max and Nick were good for her. They were supportive and just wanted to see her happy. Especially Nick *ahem*.

This is one of those books that surprises me. The kind I don't ever remember sourcing; that have lived in my book collection forever yet I never want to read them. But when I do get around to reading them, I find I enjoy the story a lot. The kind of book where the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' really applies.

I'll definitely look out for more books by Jennifer Crusie.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick

Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?
Philip K. Dick

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After WWT (Terminus) Earth is pretty much destroyed. Everyone follows Mercerism, where you have to own an animal and have a mood box. There are hover cars and androids. Rick Deckard is a bounty hunter, 'retiring' illegal androids. But it's so much more complicated than it seems.

I was actually watching the television mini series Humans when I was reading this book, and they deal with a similar subject matter. One that I am quite interested in. If we can go so far as to create androids so like us, who's to say there can't be ones that will have genuine feeling? It's a tricky subject matter, and requires a lot of debate.

This is the kind of book that just keeps you wanting more, and for that reason I felt it was a bit short. It didn't take long to read, and by the end you just want more!

Definitely worth a read if you're into androids, or remotely interested in machines with feelings.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Monday 5 October 2015

Thief of Time (Discworld #26) by Terry Pratchett

Thief of Time
Discworld #26
Terry Pratchett

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Jeremy has been set a task by the Auditors to build the world's most accurate clock. What he doesn't know is that it will stop time and being about the apocalypse. So naturally, Death is preparing the horsemen, as per tradition. Lu Tze has an apprentice - Lobsang, whom he tries to teach 'The Way', and Susan ends up helping everybody. But can the Discworld be returned to normal?

I really liked the imagery surrounding the clocks, and definitely the climactic scene! I'm not going to spoil it for you here, that alone is worth reading the book for! 

Any story that has Death and/or Susan in it is automatically going to be at least 4* because I just love them!

Terry Pratchett

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist