Monday 24 August 2015

The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker

The Age of Miracles
Karen Thompson Walker

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Front cover

Julia is an 11 year old girl living in a very different world from any we know. Something called "The Slowing" means the days on Earth are getting longer, with disastrous consequences. Some live on 'clock time', others 'real time'. But one thing's for certain, the whole world is changing.

I really enjoyed this story and it was so easy to read. If I had more time to read in a day, it would have been devoured. As this is a young adult novel, I think this would be great to get younger readers into science fiction, as a sort of beginner novel.  It's not too deep but it's not too fluffy either. 

But a problem with an adult reading a book for adolescents, is that I felt more could have been done with the subject matter. I wanted to go deeper; discover more about what's causing this slowing. Stick with the characters just a little longer to find out more of what happens.

I felt that Julia was a little too mature for an 11 year old. I could believe it was from the perspective of maybe a 15 year old, but not 11. Perhaps it's meant to be written in a sort of memoir style as she's 23 by the end.

All in all, it was quite an enjoyable if tame read. But it did keep me wanting more!

Karen Thompson Walker

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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