Wednesday 5 August 2015

One Hand Clapping by Anthony Burgess

One Hand Clapping
Anthony Burgess

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Front cover

Howard and his wife live a simple life in Bradcaster. Until one day Howard goes on a TV quiz show and wins some money. He turns his win into even more money by betting on horses. He quits his job, convinces his wife to quit hers too, and they go on holiday, spending as much money as they can. What will they get up to?

I felt I didn't really get to know the characters well enough to form any kind of emotional attachment whatsoever. Although I know I don't much like Howard. He's arrogant and always thinks whatever he says or does is right, and doesn't consider any other viewpoints.

The only other Anthony Burgess book I've read is A Clockwork Orange and I've got to say this was quite disappointing. I guess you can't expect every author's book to be like their masterpieces. But one redeeming quality is that there's a VERY SURPRISING ending. I think the ending actually makes this book worth reading.

Have a read if you like surprises.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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