Thursday 13 August 2015

Shampoo Planet by Douglas Coupland

Shampoo Planet
Douglas Coupland

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Tyler Johnson is 20 and trying to find his feet. After traveling in Europe for while, and in France he meets Stephanie. Back home, his mother has split up with her partner, Stephanie comes over from France and Tyler seems to have lost control of his life. He moves to California with Stephanie, both in pursuit of careers. But when he learns that his mother's ex boyfriend has gone a bit mad, he comes back to save his mum.

Shampoo Planet is a bit unusual. I know I enjoyed reading it at the time, but after a few months I can't really remember much about it. Tyler is obsessed with his hair, his family obsessed with KittyWhip and he calls his mother by her first name. He's a bit if a typical 20 year old to be honest. Seeking adventure and not really prepared to deal with some of the consequences for his actions. But when it comes down to it, he's turning into a decent adult and is there for his family it times of need.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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