Saturday 13 December 2014

Teen Idol by Meg Cabot

Teen Idol
Meg Cabot

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Cover Image

Luke Striker, a famous teen movie star, comes to a school to research a part for an upcoming film. Jen is very involved with all the goings on in the school, and it's up to Jen to keep his identity a secret. He ends up helping her make some much needed changes in the school. Can she keep his identity a secret?

When I was in my early teens, I loved Meg Cabot, and even though I'm in my mid twenties now, I still pick up any books of hers I haven't read. When I was younger I read some of the Princess Diaries books; up to Sixsational, Nicola and the Viscount and All American Girl.

Teen Idol seems to be a standard teen story, with emotion, break ups and make ups. I think I would have liked it a lot more as a teen, but I suppose that's the target audience. I'll still continue to collect the rest as I come across them in charity shops, but I don't think I would go out of my way to complete the collection. I'm a bit old for that now!

Meg Cabot

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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