Wednesday 26 November 2014

Discworld 15: Men At Arms by Terry Pratchett

Discworld 15: Men At Arms
Terry Pratchett

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There's been a few murders in Ankh-Morpork *gasp* and it's up to the Night Watch to track down the criminal. Among their ranks they have some new recruits; Detritus (a troll), Cuddy (a dwarf) and Angua (a werewolf). Everyone knows trolls and dwarfs don't get along! Meanwhile the Captain of the Night Watch Vimes is preparing for his wedding to Sybil, the dragon keeper, and will retire after marriage. Who will be the new captain, and will they really capture the criminal?

Everyone who has read anything about the Night Watch in Discworld knows it's a bit of a haphazard operation. But no matter the turmoil, they are generally good beings who strive to bring justice to Ankh-Morpork. In keeping with employment equality (yes, even that exists in the Discworld) they've hired some new recruits, non human entities, and of course one female. Kind of.

As people keep winding up dead, the Night Watch need to investigate, and you get some insight into some of the various guilds in Ankh-Morpork, the Assassins Guild for one. I love the idea of everyone having their place in the world, and that there's a guild of some kind for every resident in Ankh-Morpork. Whether they choose to join one or not.

It seems as though Vimes is getting cold feet about marrying Sybil. Can he really retire from the Watch? Something he's done pretty much all his life, and without it become a gentleman of leisure. It seems to be something pretty much at the forefront of his mind. And who will he appoint to become the next leader of the Constables?

I don't think Men At Arms was one of the better Discworld novels, but still well worth a read. It's always interesting to see what they're up against next, be it dragons or cold blooded killers!

Terry Pratchett

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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