Wednesday 19 November 2014

Digital Fortress by Dan Brown

Digital Fortress
Dan Brown

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Cover Image
In Digital Fortress we meet Susan, head cryptographer for the NSA (National Security Agency) in the United States. She is called into work late one evening because her code breaking machine, TRANSLTR, has discovered a code that it cannot break. Her partner, David, a professor, is sent to Spain to retrieve a golden ring that should have a pass-key to save TRANSLTR. Can he get the ring in time and save the NSA from a national security meltdown?

I quite enjoyed reading Digital Fortress. I was quite taken in with the relationship between Susan and David. Although it is most definitely not the main part of the story, it was nice to have it as a sort of underlying story. I also quite enjoyed the twist! Although I knew there had to be something else going on, it was good to be able to stumble across it as I was reading the story. Sometimes I figure out what is going to happen quite early, and then it's just like I'm waiting for it to happen.

I couldn't help being reminded of The Lord of the Rings trilogy as I was reading about David's search for the golden ring. It tickled my funny bone. One ring to rule them all, indeed.

I've got to say I think I preferred reading Deception Point. It could be because it was my first time reading Dan Brown. Essentially I found the stories to be quite similar, just with different circumstances. I found a lot of the main story points were basically the same. Still an entertaining read, regardless.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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