Saturday 8 November 2014

Discworld 14: Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett

Discworld 14: Lords and Ladies
Terry Pratchett

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Lords and Ladies is a Granny Weatherwax story, and this time she's up against real elves! Not those ponsy ones that are tiny or sparkle or create minor mischief; real elves that are big and mean. They're trying to bring the walls down between realities, and it's up to Granny and her extra small coven to stop these mean elves before the Discworld as we know it changes forever!

I love the Granny, Nanny and Magrat storyline in the Discworld series. Everything they do seems to have some comical affect, one way or another. But thankfully, they mostly manage to achieve their goals, even if it is in some unusual ways, and with some mishaps along the way.

The Witches are always entertaining, so I highly recommend this read!

Terry Pratchett

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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