Saturday 27 September 2014

The Ghost Behind the Wall by Melvin Burgess

The Ghost Behind the Wall
Melvin Burgess 

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Cover Image
 The Ghost Behind the Wall is about a young boy named David who, in the few hours between him getting home from school and his dad getting home from work, climbs into the ventilation pipes in his flat. In there he discovers a ghost that gets him into a lot of mischief, such as breaking into Mr. Alveston's (who is old and a bit wandered) flat and making a giant mess. Social work and police get involved and everything is a disaster. Hopefully the ghost's unresolved issues can be put right before things get much worse.

The Ghost Behind the Wall is a children's book and I think it would be particularly good for children dealing with grandparents with dementia, as it gives a good insight into how they might be thinking and feeling, in the case of Mr. Alveston. There are also other themes that are important for children to learn; courage, owning up when you've done something wrong, and trying to make things right again.

I haven't really read much of Melvin Burgess' stuff before. I read Junk when I was in high school and loved it. So much so I did an assessment on it. Apart from that though, this is the only other book I've read (so far!). Although it's written for children, I still found it fairly enjoyable as an adult.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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