Sunday 21 September 2014

One Door Away From Heaven by Dean Koontz

One Door Away From Heaven
Dean Koontz

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One Door Away From Heaven is about a young woman named Micky who goes to live with her aunt in a trailer after a bad period in her life. Depressed, and lacking motivation for life, she meets next door neigbour Leilani, a 9 year old disabled girl with a bit of a strange story. Then one day she disappears with her family. Micky decides to track her down, as she believes Leilani's life is in danger. Can Micky save Leilani in time?

I loved reading One Door Away From Heaven. Straight away I was so drawn into the characters and the story. My favourite character is Leilani - she has such a positive outlook on life, despite her lousy circumstances. One of those people that brighten a room just by being in it.

Pretty much all of the characters in One Day Away From Heaven are unique in their own way. One thing I enjoy about Dean Koontz' books is that they are quite unusual. One Door Away From Heaven is different, in that it isn't quite so weird, however the eccentricity of the characters certainly makes up for it.

Dean Koontz

 Overall Rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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