Friday 26 February 2021

The Dark Side of the Sun by Terry Pratchett

The Dark Side of the Sun
Terry Pratchett

Front cover

Date read: 28 - 31 December 2020
Length: 159 pages
Published: 1976

Dom sets out to find Jokers World, believed to be on the the Dark Side of the Sun. No one knows the exact location, only that because of probability mathematics, Dom will find it. Is the 'mathematics' correct?

This is very early Pratchett. There's lots of ideas floating around, but I feel the book isn't long enough to fully explore them all. I think the plot could have flowed better and that some things should have had more details. His writing certainly did get much better!

It was interesting to see the ideas that would later form some parts of the Discworld series, such as Hogswatch and Small Gods etc. There are a few and it made me smile reading them.

I liked the Bank as the Godfather. Pratchett does have interesting ways of making things come to life that you would't have thought of! 

Dom's grandmother seems a bit controlling! She almost follows him about and pushes him in certain directions to try to make him do things. Dom seems to brush her off for the most part.

I quite enjoyed The Dark Side of the Sun but I didn't find myself getting as engrossed as I would of liked. Still, it was nice to read something from the early days of Pratchett!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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