Thursday 11 February 2021

Awaken (Abandon #3) by Meg Cabot

Abandon #3
Meg Cabot

Front cover

Date read: 11 - 19 December 2020
Length: 343 pages 
Published: 2013

Just when Pierce thought the Underworld was safe, it gets over-run with the souls of the dead, and John is presumed dead. Can Pierce muster up the courage and strength to save not only her beloved, but the Underworld too?


It seems Pierce has really matured in this series finale. She takes the time to think about what she needs to do, but also the consequences of what she's doing. Before she would have just rushed in with an idea, and not considered the consequences. She thinks about what is best for everyone, and it's a level of maturity that I think suits her well.

I wish we knew why the diamond turns purple around Kayla. It's not properly explained and I guess it's up to us to make our own conclusions!

Glad Pierce made amends with her parents. It must be hard for them to know that they might not get to see their only child very often. It must he heartbreaking for them, but they're taking it very well, once they understand the full situation.

It was kind of an abrupt ending and I feel there could have been more. Maybe there will be a fourth book one day, or maybe not. 

Overall I really enjoyed the series. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had read it when I was a teenager, but even so it was still good.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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