Saturday 24 October 2020

Thief! by Malorie Blackman

Malorie Blackman

Front cover

Date read: 27 August - 1 September 2020
Length: 229 pages
Published: 1995

After being accused of being a thief, Lydia runs away to the moors to escape. A storm suddenly appears, hurling her into the future where the town is ruled by a cruel tyrant. Can Lydia get back to her own time to stop the future from becoming that reality?

Lydia's last thought before darkness closed over
her mind was that the strange, swirling storm had
trapped her. Would it ever let her go?

I'm not sure that the future would change quite so much in 37 years, the whole structure of society seems to have changed, and not just in Lydia's town. Although with the way things are going in the would today, I'm kind of thinking it might not be so surprising after all.

It was good Lydia got some closure in the future and could take that to the past. There was some surprising events in the future, and Lydia could learn from that. She grew up a lot though this experience and it made her think about things more.

This is a good young adult book for a younger teen.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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