Thursday 8 October 2020

The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain (The Chronicles of Prydain) by Lloyd Alexander

The Founding and Other Tales of Prydain
The Chronicles of Prydain
Lloyd Alexander

Front cover

Date read: 24 - 26 August 2020
Length: 96 pages
Published: Original edition (6 stories) 1973, this edition (8 stories) 1999

Here are some short stories revisiting the land of Prydain before Taran's time. We meet Eilonwy's mother, a young Coll and Dallben, learn about the sword Drynwyn, and how Fflewddur came upon his magical harp.

These short stories are great, and I'm glad I waited until I finished reading the series before reading them. It was good to meet some of the characters which are referenced in the main series that you don't get to meet, or that are a lot older. There's also a little more detail, for example, with how Fflewddur got his harp.

My favourite stories are probably The True Enchanter and The Truthful Harp. I like the subtle magic in the series and we get to see a bit more of this in The True Enchanter. I have always like Fflewddur Fflam, and find his harp fits his personality well!

It was also nice to revisit Prydain after finishing the series. This really is the end now. I'm sad there is no more, but I really enjoyed the series. So much so I have given all the books to a friend so she can read them, and enjoy the magical world of Prydain, too!

Read the series, you will not be disappointed.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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