Sunday 6 September 2020

The Love Match (The Waverley Women #3) by M. C. Beaton

The Love Match
The Waverley Women #3
M. C. Beaton

Front cover

Date read: 15 - 19 July 2020
Length: 187 pages
Published: 1990

When Frederica marries Lord Harry Danger and Mrs Waverley marries the Baron Meldon, Felicity finds herself all alone in the house on Hanover Square. After meeting Marquess Darkwater, they set off to actually find out the truth of her parentage. Along with Darkwaters' cousin, Agnes Joust, they have quite the adventure. Will she uncover the truth?

By day she champions women's rights but
by night she plots romance!

I was a little surprised Felicity went for Darkwater after her initial dislike of him! I thought she would have found someone else, but there you have it.

Didn't particularly like Agnes - she's a bit of a scheming so and so! Always plotting something to make other people look bad and herself look good.

Glad Felicity got to the bottom of who their parents are, although I like Mrs Waverley even less now! I don't want to say too much here because I don't want to include major spoilers, but what Mrs Waverley did was despicable, and I find it hard to believe someone would do that. I mean, I know worse things than that happen in real life, but I just can't get my head around it.

The Love Match was a nice conclusion to the series. I feel like everything was rounded up well and it was a nice, neat finish.

I will be reading more M. C. Beaton for sure!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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