Sunday 30 August 2020

Your Heart Belongs to Me by Dean Koontz

Your Heart Belongs to Me
Dean Koontz

Front cover

Date read: 5 - 14 July 2020
Length: 406 pages
Published: 2008

Ryan Perry is a fit and healthy 34 year old. He owns a very successful internet company and has a wonderful partner, Samantha. But he learns he is going to need a heart transplant. 16 months later he receives a terrifying threat, being promised a nightmare death. Can he solve the mystery of his enemy and save his life?

I felt like there was a lot of background information before the story kicked in, and yet there's a huge chunk in the middle missing from the story!

I feel sorry for what happened between him and Sam. I'm not sure exactly what happened, only what is alluded to, because it seems to have happened in the chunk of story that is missing. I would have preferred to have all the continuous information rather than the waffle at the start, or even both!

I liked Ryan going into detective mode and seeing what he'll find out. It's like we're there with him, figuring out all this stuff together.

This isn't Koontz's best, but it was an okay read.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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