Wednesday 12 August 2020

Taran Wanderer (The Chronicles of Prydain #4) by Lloyd Alexander

 Taran Wanderer
The Chronicles of Prydain #4
Lloyd Alexander

Front cover

Date read: 30 June - 4 July 2020
Length: 187 pages
Published: 1967 (1979 in GB)

Taran leaves Caer Dallben searching for answers about himself; where he came from, who his parents are, and what that might mean to him. With his trusty companions Gurgi and Fflewddur Fflam, they set off to find the mirror of Llunet. What will he discover about himself?

After a little dip in the middle of the series, I enjoyed this one a bit more than the last. I felt like you really got to know Taran more, as you join him on his quest to find himself.

One thing that wasn't so good is that there was no Eilonwy! It's not the same without her telling him when he's being an idiot.

Craddoc was nice but dishonest. What he did was very strange and a shame for Taran. I'm glad he learned the real truth and could move on from there.

I liked all the people in the free commots. Taran learned a great many skills from weaving to pottery, and made some good friends as well. It seemed like a nice community.

It's a shame Taran didn't get the answers he was looking for, but I think he did find himself on the journey nonetheless.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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