Wednesday 9 September 2020

The High King (The Chronicles of Prydain #5) by Lloyd Alexander

The High King
The Chronicles of Prydain #5
Lloyd Alexander

Front cover

Date read: 20 - 25 July 2020
Length: 223 pages
Published: 1968 (1979 in GB)

Prince Gwydion's enchanted sword Dyrnwyn has been stolen by evil Huntsmen. In his biggest battle yet, Taran rounds up his companions and those from the Free Commots to rage war on Arawn and save Prydain from permanent darkness.

Okay! Well, that's it, the end of the series! I've got to say I was surprised by some of the deaths in this last instalment, and perhaps one in particular. There was definitely a lot more raw emotion felt.

I think the ending was alright - I'm glad Taran and Eilonwy get to be together, but I think it's sad that Taran will never know who his parents were. I guess this was meant by the author, because there was plenty chance for it to be included.

The High King is a good conclusion to the series that has filled many hearts for decades. I'm annoyed with myself for only just reading the whole series now, but glad I finally have!

I look forward to the short stories before ending the series once and for all.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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