Friday 19 June 2020

The Mammoth Book of Awesome Comic Fantasy edited by Mike Ashley

The Mammoth Book of Awesome Comic Fantasy
Edited by Mike Ashley

Front cover

Date read: 21 May - 2 June 2020
Length: 528 pages
Published: 2001

Here we have a collection of short stories from many authors. Some are more fantasy-like than others, from stories based on fairy tales and angels, to some more down to earth. It's definitely an interesting mix!

This book was bought by my grandfather not six months before he passed. The receipt was still in the book! He was a great lover of books and science fiction and fantasy in particular. I think it's where I get my love of books!

Most of the authors I haven't heard of so it was good to read something I wouldn't usually. There were even some older stories from early 1900s.

So with a mix of stories there's obviously some I like more than others. My favourite is probably Touched by a Salesman by Tom Holt. It was funny and kept my attention the whole time. I actually wanted more of the story so I will have to check out some Tom Holt in the future, I do actually have a few of his books but I've never read any.

I also liked The Caliber of the Sword by Larry Lawrence. It was one of the shorter ones but I found it interesting and who doesn't like a talking sword? Even if it is an ass!

I liked the introductions before the stories. I felt like it was a good way to introduce the authors before reading the story and it provided some information on their other works.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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