Friday 29 May 2020

Tales From Watership Down (Watership Down #2) by Richard Adams

Tales From Watership Down
Watership Down #2
Richard Adams

Front cover

Date read: 26 April - 2 May 2020
Length: 267 pages
Published: 1996

In the sequel to Watership Down we have some stories of rabbit folklore, that all rabbits grow up learning. There are some stories of El-ahrairah and his trusty friend Rabscuttle, and lastly a few tales of Hazel and his warren after the defeat of General Woundwort.

This is a very nice collection of short stories, I just wish there were more! I think probably most people were looking for more of a novel as the sequel, but I think this was really nice and something a bit different.

I think Hazel is a good leader even if he's not the best fighter. He is empathetic and understands that the needs of the warren come before his own. He regularly is willing to sacrifice himself for his warren.

In the sequel part of the novel Hazel and his rabbits help a hutch rabbit find a new home. There is some resistance to this as hutch rabbit and wild rabbits are not known to mix, but it's a nice thing for them to do.

I like Hyzenthlay too. Her partnership with Hazel works very well and I think Hazel chose well from the rabbits in the warren. She will lead the warren well.

A very nice ending to Watership Down.

Richard Adams

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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