Wednesday 5 February 2020

Moab is my Washpot (Memoir #1) by Stephen Fry

Moab is my Washpot
Memoir #1
Stephen Fry

Front cover

Date read: 21 - 31 December 2019
Length: 434 pages
Published: 1997

Stephen tells of his younger years in life; his schooling, his experiences of homosexuality, and his utter inability to dance. In Moab is my Washpot we learn about the first twenty years of his life as he comes to terms with the adult he's becoming.

I've always quite liked Mr Fry, from watching him with Hugh Laurie in Fry and Laurie, to his days presenting QI. He's always struck me as a very intelligent man, with a sense of humour. However, after reading the first in his Memoir series, I have realised I don't actually know a lot about the man inside.

I had no idea he had siblings. I always just kind of thought he was an only child. I have no idea why, it's just the impression I had. I didn't know he had been to prison! Although I'm not surprised I didn't know this. I don't imagine it's something that he flaunts regularly, if at all.

My favourite bit is probably when he goes to get his 'dancing problem' sorted. Fry can't dance, he's admitted it a few times in this book, and when he needs to get up and dance in front of many people, he seeks help. You can relate, it's funny and the outcome is satisfying.

It was a very interesting read and I'm looking forward to reading the rest in the series very soon!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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