Tuesday 14 May 2019

The Player of Games (Culture #2) by Iain M. Banks

The Player of Games
Culture #2
Iain M. Banks

Front cover

Date read: 21 - 28 April 2019
Length: 309 pages
Published: 1988

One of the greatest Game players the Culture has is Gurgeh. He has mastered every game he's ever played, so he travels to the Empire of Azad to play a new game. The game is so popular, the place is named after it! Gurgeh learns it's not all it seems to be, and is actually very dangerous. Will he survive and make it back home?

I like the drones, but their names are far too long! It's hard to remember them, so I'm glad for most of the book they are shortened to sensible lengths. One thing that is good though, is that Banks' personalisation is so good, that sometimes it's hard to tell the people from the drones.

I liked the idea of the 3 sexes on Azad. It's something a bit different and makes the life on the new planet more interesting. It's hard to imagine something like that in the real world though!

I enjoyed the story but I wasn't actually all that keen on Gurgeh. I just felt like I couldn't bond or relate to him in any way. It didn't take from the story which I'm glad about.

Looking forward to more in the series!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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