Wednesday 24 April 2019

Consider Phlebas (Culture #1) by Iain M. Banks

Consider Phlebas
Culture #1
Iain M. Banks

Front cover

Date read: 22 March - 2 April 2019
Length: 471 pages
Published: 1987

Horza, a changer on the Idiran side of the war, is sent to the Planet of the Dead to retrieve a fugitive Mind. But the Culture are also after it, and they have no problems fighting for what they want. With his band of pirates, can they succeed in the mission?

There are quite a lot of characters in this book, but my favourite are probably Horza and Yalson together. I like their chemistry and just the whole story between them. They just belong together!

This is my first book by Banks and I was not disappointed! My grandparents and even my dad have read pretty much all of his science fiction (and some of his other fiction), but this was my first. That being said, I wasn't expecting that ending and it made me kind of sad!

I liked all the weird names. Unusual, but not so convoluted that you can't get a pronunciation in your head. It made for a more interesting read that just your usual Tom, Dick, and Harry.

I will definitely be reading more!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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